Hey , SIMON has been such a blessing for Shirley and for the entire family. He is so smart!!!!! He comes when called, follows Shirley around the apartment building hallways and so reliable using the potty, even at my house when he comes to visit. He is different from any pom I have ever known. Even a friend who is very knowledgeable about pomeranians remarked how intelligent he is. Again, thank you so very much!
Oklahoma City, OK
Hey , There’s never an “alone” time with poms. My son took these picture today when I was inside the “storage room”. He called it a “pom convention”. They all wait outside my door waiting for food, attention,…you name it.
Miami, FL
Hello , I just wanted to write and let you know how Karla is doing. She is the best behaved dog that I have ever had. It is obvious that you did a great job with her in her developmental weeks and I am benefiting from your work. She is a true joy and I am more grateful to you than I can say. Your work and your breeding standards really show in the dogs that you produce. Thank you again, your kennel is a credit to the wonderful Pomeranian breed.
Kansas City, MO
My mommy and daddy couldn't believe how tiny I was when I came home, I'm 5 pounds now and would rather play all day then cuddle, I got spayed last month and ate and played right away. My sister loves legos and I don't mess with her toys, just leaves, if only my mommy wouldn't chase me and I could eat them! Just wanted to send you an update! Can't believe she's already 6 months old. Kira loves the tree and wanted to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas!
Julia and Fritz
Seattle, WA
I just wanted to say thank you for everything! You have been the most kind, helpful and understanding breeder, I have ever met. I just received Flint and I will do my best in taking care of him. I had my doubts in buying a dog online and sending you the wire transfer, but everything went so well. Thanks again! I will try to send you updated pictures of him from time to time.
San Jose, CA
I wanted to give you an update on Elma. She is such a cutie pie & the most sweet & loving girl. Like Lucy, she loves the water. Every morning and night Elma curls up next to me for love sessions (as well as multiple times a day)! She jumps at the drop of a pin. She gets along great with the rest of my gang. Elma is such a joy to have!
Richmond, VA
We received our pom puppy 2 Weeks Ago. She is the most sweetest thing, loves to snuggle and we named her “Josey”! She was flown to JFK and it was an easy transaction! She fits right into our family.. we love her!!
Bronx, NY
I have to tell you Victor is the nicest pomeranian I've ever had. He is sweet, cuddley, careful around my daughter. I just love him. Good job to you on breeding such wonderful animals. I'll send you a picture soon. I only have ones of him when I first got him, you already know what he looked like then. Thanks
Cincinnati, OH