Pet Cargo:

Your Puppy will be shipped to an International Airport closest to you where Pet Cargo is available within 1 to 3 Days (depending on the destination and current weight of the pup) only when the final payment on your puppy is completed and confirmed.

Personal Delivery:

One of our caring and competent nannies will take utmost care of your pup from pick up to delivery. This service can be booked for the puppy to be delivered to any location.

Delivery time depends on the availability of the in-flight nanny. Please note that our nannies fly on standby and the time of arrival can change without prior notice.

Express in-flight nanny delivery is available. Ask us for a quote.

Why does the delivery process take 1 – 3 Days ?

We deliver an all-encompassing quality service. This is why the health status of all our puppies are checked by a vet that will sign and certify the dog’s health certificate, proof of vaccination. The dog’s weight must be at least 1.5 lbs. to fly with pet cargo. We can only book the dog’s flight once the vet has signed and certified the paperwork.